"All-On-4 Gave Me The Perfect Smile That I Always Wanted ."
Before I had any work done, I went eat certain foods. I wouldn’t smile. If I talked, I put my hand over my mouth. I would avoid going out, or, eating in restaurants.
I wouldn't smile. If I talked, I put my hand over my mouth.

Dr. Winterholler:
Kayla came to our office, and… she had that fear of showing her teeth. She had that… visible… sadness for her situation with her teeth. Kayla had been to other dentists to talk about the All-on-4 Procedure. Kayla is… the poster child for a perfect All-on-4 Restoration. She had battled… decay. Some missing teeth that were missing of no faulty realms. Sometimes we have teeth that never… grow in. She had some teeth that just had bad positioning to them. And, the only way to help her with that was either dentures or the All-on-4 Procedure.
I actually was sitting out work, talking to one of my co-workers, and, I guess talking about like, “Oh I wish I had the perfect smile. I want to do this.” Then it finally clicked that… I can go get it. I can go find a way to do it. After being told by other practitioners or dentists that, there was nothing they could do for me. Having all the lab and the dental in one house was like really easy for me and my schedule as a working mom. I have places to be in. Kids to go to sports and all that. So, coming here and getting it all done in one step or one appointment was super simple.
Dr. Winterholler:
Society puts a lot of weight on how younger females look. So, to be able to give her a smile… that… looked beautiful… was… important not just to Kayla, but, hugely important to absolutely everybody involved here.
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